The first seminar is about "The Politics of the Generational Goals".
Friday, October 5, 14:15 - 15 at the Pufendorf Institute, Sölvegatan 2
Seminar leader: Åsa Knaggård, Political Science
The theme of this seminar is the Swedish generational goals for the environment. Many of the goals are very hard to obtain. The goal for climate change is, for example, based on international cooperation, rather than national action. How can we then understand the generational goals? Are they meant to be instrumental or should we rather understand them as symbols for a general political direction with only weak connections to actual political actions? What role can the generational goals play today? The problematic will be exemplified by the climate goal.
Å. Knaggård is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science at Lund University. Her research interest concerns the role of ideas in the stability and change of political institutions and practices, especially concerning environmental problems.